Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Poor Little Colton . . .

This poor little guy is having a rough time.  He now has pneumonia.  And, tomorrow morning he is having surgery.  He will be having a shunt placed.  :(

I really am at a loss for words . . .



  1. Cyndi, praying all goes well. Been thinking about you all and hoping and praying for the best. Hang in there mama!

  2. I will be praying for Colton hun. I hope the surgery goes well *hugs*

  3. Cyn,
    I will be praying for Colton and please know that the Lord has you in his hands...just try to rest in that.


  4. I'm praying hard for all of you! Hugs & love!

  5. Hey guys, I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this.I am sure little Colton will come out of this perfectly and in a few short months it will all just be a bad memory;) Wish I was there with you guys
