Thursday, November 18, 2010

Can you say OVERWHELMED???

I am really super excited that the boys are getting ready to turn one and that Christmas is right around the corner.  But, at the same time I am feeling completely overwhelmed with what we have going on the rest of the year.  Let's count how many appointments we have:

4 with PT
5 with Easter Seals
1 MRI scan
1 post MRI follow up
2 Synagis shots
2 one year check ups
2 pre-op physicals
2 surgeries
2 post-op follow ups
and a partridge in a pear tree . . .

Not to mention, I have one appointment, Bubba has one, and my neice has two and will be starting weekly appointments.  So, that only adds on 10!!!  Has anyone done the math??  I have!!  That is 31 appointments in 43 days.  Thankfully, the Easter Seals appointments are at the house and all the boys appointments are paired up. This also doesn't include that fact that I am so stressed out I can barely move my neck.  I need to see a chiropractor.  Seriously.  Like, I need to have seen him yesterday.  Motrin and tylenol aren't helping one bit.  I am also working three days a week (but taking two off for their surgeries).

Go ahead, start the betting pool.  How long will it take for me to have a meltdown? 

And then we have the boys' birthday and the holidays.  We will be doing Thanksgiving at my mom's along with a family Christmas party the week before Christmas.  Christmas will be at my house since the boys' will be recovering from their surgery (I want to keep them close to their own beds).  I also have to plan and host their 1st birthday party.  But, since we are on serious RSV/cold/flu season lockdown, the party is being restricted to Bubba and my immediate families.  But, the party has to be planned (mostly done) and the house needs to be cleaned. 

Anyone want to reconsider their guess of when I will have my meltdown?  Anyone?

And, to add to the craziness, we are redoing our floors.  Since Colton is now a master army crawler (he is even starting to use his little legs to get him going), we have to pull up our carpet.  It's not safe - tack strips are exposed in the hallway.  So what are we doing??  We are pulling up the carpet and laying laminant flooring; yes, we are doing it ourselves.  Someone, please just shot me and put me out of my misery!!   The good news of this is that by the time the carpet is ripped up and the new floor is down, the house will be clean and ready for company!  :/ 

Maybe, I should look forward to the new year . . . uh oh!  Just checked the calender! 

2 with PT
5 with Easter Seals
2 with audiology
2 with opthamology
2 Synagis shots

And, they are trying to get Seanie into weekly PT.  That would add on 4 more PT appointments.  They are working one getting him in home PT, but if he can't get it, he needs to go to Fairfield for weekly PT.  The neice will have her weekly appointments too. 

Maybe I should take up drinking . . .


  1. Don't take up drinking, you've got way too much driving to do! I thought we were busy...we don't have too many appts but with work and at least once weekly for therapy it adds up. I work from home one day too, so it is busy. Two boys and tons of appts, I don't blame you I would be stressed too!

  2. Um you are CUDA, no worries. You will however LOVE the floor... :-)
