Sunday, April 18, 2010

Life has Changed! :)

It seems like it's been forever since I posted on here.  Life is definately different with both boys home.  Every four hours we are feeding babies and I am pumping (yes, I am still pumping even though I swore I'd be done when they both came home!).  This schedule makes for a very tired Mommy and Daddy.  (I actually started writing this on Friday!)

On Thursday, the boys both visited the pedi for their well baby check and four month shots.  Colton is 9lb 5.3oz, 21 inches long!  Sean is 9lb 1.2oz and 20 1/4 inches long!  You wouldn't think that a quarter of an inch makes a difference, but it does!  Sean looks like he outweighs Colton by a good amount.  In fact, I had the medical assistant reweigh the boys.  I just didn't believe it!

Since the boys were so early, they will have a lot of follow up appointments with specialists.  For April, the appointment count is at 14!  (I think - it could be higher.)We try to get as many appointments as we can scheduled together, but sometimes it hasn't worked that way.  This coming week we have 2 appointments on Tuesday, one on Wednesday and two on Thursday!  Wednesday and Thursday's appointments are in Roseville. :(

UGH!  I feel like there is so much more to say, but my brain is so scattered!  But, at least I have given everyone a little update.  I will update more in the next few days.  Promise.  :)

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