Thursday, August 12, 2010


I have been suffering; we've all been suffering.  Sean is feeling the best out of the whole family.  Daddy and Colton both have colds.  Daddy has a big cold, complete with, "I don't feel good.  What can I take to  make me feel better?"  Colton has a little bit of a cold - not big enough to worry about, but definitely big enough to cancel his audiology appointment in the morning.  And, I have somehow managed to hurt myself again.  I rolled my ankle the other night.  Now it's swollen and I have a huge bruise along the side of my foot and ankle.  It constantly hurts no matter what I take for it and I walk with a very noticable limp.  I have also become an insomniac.  The boys are sleeping through the night, but mommy can't!  This week, the earliest I have gone to bed has been 4 am.  Yes, 4 am.  Usually, I've been hitting the sack at about 6 am.  THIS IS NOT GOOD!  I've tried taking benadryl, unisom and even a pain pill.  Nothing has worked.  NOTHING! 

So, how about some good news.  Because good news is what it's all about, right?  The boys are now 5 months adjusted.  Yes, my little guys are already 5 months adjusted (8 months, 1 week actual).  How did we celebrate?  Nice warm baths, warm milky bottles, and brand new matching jammies.  WHat more could a preemie ask for?

Night all!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saying his R's

On Wednesday, Sean had his speech therapy appointment.  When I told my co-worker he was going to ST, she said, "What?  The kid can't say his R's yet?"  I replied that he just didn't need help with his R's, but also saying his TH's and the ST promised to getting him saying them real soon

So, what did we really learn from our ST visit?  That Sean likes to eat, but not from a bottle!  He likes to chew his bottle's nipple.  What baby chews his nipples???  Well, we all know little Seanie likes to do things his own way.  This is just one of those things.  So, the ST gave us some suggestions about how to get him to actually suck on the nipple.  So far none of them have worked. :(  But, we're working on it.  The good news is that Sean does have a strong suck when he is sucking on your finger and he shows absolutely no signs of an oral aversion.  YAY! 

Sean also recently had another hearing exam.  He passed with flying colors.  Colton had his and he passed on his left side (had previously passed on his right side), but his right side showed a lot of fluid.  So, we are continuing to watch his for fluid in his right ear (left ear had no fluid).  What happens if Colton continues to have fluid in his ear?  He will get a tube in it.  For preemies, they put ear tubes in sooner rather than later.  This is done because preemies are at a great risk for language delays and fluid would cause an even greater delay.  Getting rid of the fluid helps get the babies back on track for their language development. 

Both boys are enjoying their laughing skills. Colton thinks he's funny.  He loves to laugh at himself.  I swear, he thinks he's the funniest kid around.  He loves to flirt when we're out.  Little Sean, in contrast, is such the observer.  He looks around checking everything out all while sucking on his thumb.  But, when he thinks something is funny, he lets you know with his hoarse little laugh.  It's so adorable.